Consumer Report:
The purpose of the Lonely Planet - Diving and Snorkeling Florida Keys is to provide information about diving in the Florida Keys
Pros: The Florida Keys is probably one of the best and most versatile scuba diving and Snorkeling destinations on the planet. There is 107 miles of highway that winds its way through the 200 islands that make up the Florida Keys. The water is a brilliant lime green color, and there are countless dive sites for scuba divers of all abilities outlined in the book Lonely Planet - Diving and Snorkeling Florida Keys.
Lonely Planet - Diving and Snorkeling Florida Keys tells you about the shallow reefs as well as some truly spectacular wrecks to dive. You’ve probably heard about the Adolphus Busch Sr. or the U.S. Coast Guard cutters Duane and Bibb. If you are into shipwreck diving, this is the place for you, and you can read all about the opportunities that await you in this book.
Cons: Sharp Diver provides the usual disclaimer on their website. The disclaimer that is posted appears to be well within the bounds of legality. I can find no particular cons associated with either the Sharp Diver Company or with the Lonely Planet - Diving and Snorkeling Florida Keys book.
Guarantee: There is a guarantee of satisfaction. You may return merchandise that you aren’t satisfied with within 30 days for a full refund. Unopened CDs and DVDs may be returned within 14 days.
Value for money: The Lonely Planet - Diving and Snorkeling Florida Keys book is loaded with valuable information and it is a very good value for those Scuba Divers seeking New Adventure.
Price: $16.99
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Thomas Zimmerman
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